draw a sword中文什么意思

发音:   用"draw a sword"造句
  • draw:    vt. (drew; drawn ) ...
  • sword:    n. 1.剑,刀;〔军俚〕刺刀。 2 ...
  • draw the sword:    开战
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  1. And one of them that stood by drew a sword , and smote a servant of the high priest , and cut off his ear
  2. [ kjv ] and one of them that stood by drew a sword , and smote a servant of the high priest , and cut off his ear
  3. Despite the boasting of grown men , only young arthur is able to draw a sword from a stone , thereby becoming king
  4. One third of you will die by pestilence , and they will be consumed by famine in the midst of you ; and one third will fall by the sword surrounding you ; and one third i will scatter toward all the winds , and i will draw a sword after them
  5. One third you shall burn in the middle of the city when the days of the siege are fulfilled ; and you shall take a third and strike it with the sword all around the city ; and one third you shall scatter to the wind , and i will draw a sword after them


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